Guide for Assistants to Increase Visibility and Influence

In a recent Virtual Summit, Hallie Warner, an amazing speaker and expert on career development for Assistant and Chief of Staff roles, emphasized the importance of building a personal brand for Assistants and other Administrative professionals. As Assistants, we know that visibility and influence don’t just happen—we have to be intentional about building our reputation and making sure our contributions are recognized. With the business world evolving rapidly, we need to stay ahead by embracing technology and the opportunities it brings to showcase our expertise. And let’s be honest, we already do so much behind the scenes—why not make sure our work is seen and valued? In this Guide for Assistants to Increase Visibility and Influence, we’ll explore practical strategies to build our personal brand in a way that feels authentic, manageable, and actually useful.

SMART objectives and goal-setting template for the Executive Assistants

A bundle of SMART objectives and goal-setting templates.

This exclusive bundle of resources is designed for The Importance of Setting and Achieving Goals for Executive Assistants – it includes a range of useful templates, including examples of SMART objectives for Executive Assistants, goal-setting worksheets, conversation templates, and more.

    Identifying What Makes You Stand Out

    First things first, let’s talk about what makes you, well, you. Your personal brand is all about leveraging your unique strengths and making them work for you. Ask yourself:

    • What do colleagues or your executive always come to you for?

    • What parts of your role energize you the most?

    • What skills set you apart from others in your field?

    Taking stock of these things will help you define the value you bring and ensure that others see it too.

    Being Intentional About What You Consume

    What we read, listen to, and watch impacts how we think and show up in professional settings. If we want to be seen as strategic partners, we need to consume content that keeps us informed and helps us grow.

    Instead of just scrolling mindlessly, be selective:

    • Follow thought leaders and industry experts on LinkedIn and X.

    • Subscribe to a few high-quality newsletters or blogs (Harvard Business Review and Forbes are great places to start).

    • Listen to insightful podcasts like The EA Campus or The Leader Assistant Podcast.

    We don’t need to read everything—we just need to read the right things. Make it a habit to dedicate even just a few minutes a day to staying informed.

    Sharing Your Insights

    Now that you’re learning and staying informed, let’s put that knowledge to work. Building visibility isn’t just about what you know, it’s about who knows you know it.

    Here’s how to make that happen:

    • Share valuable content with your executive or leadership team (an article, a summary of a webinar you attended, or a practical tip).

    • Post insights or takeaways on LinkedIn—don’t overthink it, just start by sharing what you’ve found helpful.

    • Contribute in meetings. If you’ve read something relevant to a team discussion, speak up and provide that insight.

    Surrounding Yourself with the Right People

    If we want to elevate our careers, we need to be around people who inspire us and challenge us to grow. That means:

    • Getting involved in professional networks or assistant communities (online or in-person).

    • Attending industry conferences and training sessions.

    • Finding a mentor or accountability partner to help keep you on track.

    Surrounding yourself with knowledgeable people makes all the difference. When you’re in the right circles, you’re exposed to new opportunities, insights, and collaborations that you wouldn’t have access to otherwise.

    Implementing What You Learn

    It’s not enough to gather knowledge—we have to put it into action.

    • Block out time each week to read, watch, or listen to valuable content.

    • Take one insight or idea and apply it to your role. Maybe it’s a new productivity tool or a communication strategy with your executive.

    • Start small, but stay consistent. The more you apply what you learn, the more you’ll solidify your reputation as someone who is proactive and forward-thinking.

    Leading Upward

    As Assistants, we’re in a unique position to influence decisions and drive change within our organizations. But we have to be intentional about sharing our insights and ideas.

    • If you come across a new tool or strategy that could improve efficiency, bring it to your executive’s attention.

    • If your company is struggling with a challenge, research solutions and offer suggestions.

    • If you see an opportunity to take on a leadership role, go for it. Don’t wait for someone to invite you—put yourself forward.

    Staying Consistent

    The key to building your personal brand is showing up consistently. Make a plan to:

    • Dedicate time each week to reading and learning.

    • Engage with your network on LinkedIn (even if it’s just commenting on posts to start).

    • Share what you know in a way that adds value to others.

    Final Thoughts

    Visibility and influence don’t happen overnight, but with consistent effort, they will happen. We’re already doing the hard work—now let’s make sure it gets noticed.

    And if you’re looking for more guidance on this, we dive even deeper in our Strategic Business Partner Online Course. Because when we invest in ourselves, we create opportunities not just for us, but for the entire profession.

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    Nicky Christmas

    I'm Nicky, the Founder and CEO of The EA Campus. Let’s continue the conversation over in our communities.

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