How to Boost Your Productivity as an Executive Assistant

Earlier this week, I read an article on how to stay motivated and establish routines that help maximize productivity as an Executive Assistant. Articles like these are a great resource for assistants and other office support staff because they offer helpful tips to simplify life both at work and home. This allows you to make the most of your day. Here, I’m sharing how to boost your productivity as an Executive Assistant along with some of the productivity techniques I use daily, and a routine check-up you can use to become more productive as an Assistant.

Create Lists to Stay Organized

Whether it’s a simple to-do list on a piece of paper or a more complex list with subdivisions detailing everything you want to accomplish in life, lists are a powerful tool and will help boost your productivity as an Executive Assistant. I am a massive fan of to-do lists—I have lists and then lists of lists! Keeping track of your tasks in a list helps ensure nothing slips through the cracks, making it easier to manage your day effectively.

How to Boost Your Productivity as an Executive Assistant

Daily checklist for Executive Assistants

Keeping up with daily tasks, weekly planning, and monthly strategic goals is crucial. Now, you can master this balancing act with our comprehensive daily checklist for Executive Assistants, tailored specifically for high-level support roles. This checklist will significantly boost Your Productivity as an Executive Assistant.

Prioritize Tasks for Maximum Productivity

From a young age, we learn the importance of meeting deadlines by prioritizing our workload. In a work environment where clients are paying for results, there’s even greater pressure to finish the job on time. When a project deadline is approaching, there should be a clear urgency to complete your tasks, and these should be prioritized at the top of your list. I handwrite many of my urgent tasks in an A4 one-day-per-page diary, which allows me to review the week and see what needs to be completed by the end of each day. I find this technique really helps when thinking about how to boost your productivity as an Executive Assistant.

Incorporate Self-Care into Your Routine

Taking care of yourself should be an essential part of your daily routine. Getting enough sleep to feel energized for the following day, exercising regularly, and incorporating 15-minute breaks a few times a day to step away from your screen and clear your mind are all important practices. This is easier said than done, but for the sake of my general health—and sometimes my sanity—I try to get away from my desk at least once a day. This small habit can significantly impact your well-being and help you boost your productivity as an Executive Assistant.

Identify Your Primetime for Productivity

We all function better at different times of the day, so it’s worthwhile to figure out if you are an early bird or a night owl and schedule your routine accordingly. This will help you boost your productivity as an Executive Assistant. For example, I know my energy levels dip around the 3 pm mark, which leaves me craving sweets and tea—not a good time for me to start new projects! Understanding your natural energy patterns can help you plan your day more effectively and ensure that you are working on high-priority tasks when you are at your best.

Visualize Success with Daily Planning

A good routine should also include time for planning ahead and reviewing what you have achieved. If you can spend 10 minutes at the end of the day visualizing what the following day will look like, anticipating any potential distractions, and setting goals for what you would like to achieve, you will be better prepared for what lies ahead. I also like to spend a little time going back through my to-do list for the day and putting a big, satisfying red line through everything I’ve completed. I find that extremely gratifying!


Establishing and maintaining a solid routine can significantly boost your productivity as an Executive Assistant. By incorporating these tips into your daily schedule, you can manage your time more effectively, stay organized, and ensure that you are always prepared for the day ahead. Remember, the key to staying productive is finding what works best for you and being consistent with your routine.

If you’re looking for more ways to improve your productivity and time management skills, consider checking out our Productivity and Time Management Online Course. This course offers in-depth strategies and practical advice to help you master your time, achieve your goals, and boost your Productivity as an Executive Assistant.

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Nicky Christmas

I'm Nicky, the Founder and CEO of The EA Campus. Let’s continue the conversation over in our communities.

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